Louisiana katalog med den amerikanske kunstner, Dana Schutz, (f. 1976), udgivet i forbindelse med Louisianas store udstilling med Schutz, Between Us. Schutz er allerede en klassiker i samtidens malerkunst, hun er repræsenteret i Louisianas samling, og med et spænd på lidt over to årtier præsenteres vi for scenerier, der viser, at Schutz har et særligt forhold til det groteske; Det, der er drevet af fantasien, som er underligt og unaturligt. Dana Schutz har markeret sig med en enorm fortællekraft, stærk kolorit og sans for det dramatiske – en historiemaler til vores egen vilde tid.
In english:
Louisiana catalogue with American artist, Dana Schutz, (b. 1976), published in conjunction with Louisiana's major Schutz exhibition in 2023, Between Us.
Schutz is already a classic in contemporary painting, she is represented in Louisiana's collection, and with a span of just over a decade we are presented with scenes that show that Schutz has a special relationship with the grotesque; That which is driven by the imagination, which is strange and unnatural.
Dana Schutz has distinguished herself with enormous storytelling power, strong color and sense of the dramatic – a story painter for our own wild times.
Mål: H: 33 x B: 25 x D: 1,6 cm
Sider: 160
Sprog: Engelsk
Forlag: Louisiana Publications